Are you afraid to fly? Does the idea of getting on a plane make you cringe? Is your fear preventing you from traveling at work or with your family? Are you afraid the plane will crash? Do you just not like to be in small places? Are you afraid of making a scene or even having panic attacks while on an airplane? Do you grip the seat and get sweaty palms when turbulence comes?
If you answered yes to any of those questions then you, like millions of other people in the world, have a fear of flying. Our Christian hypnosis program could be just what you need! Right now your subconscious is creating feelings you do not have to feel. Your subconscious decides how you feel when you are on the plane. And right now it is creating the wrong feelings. If you are having severe anxiety, nervousness, or worrying, you do not have to feel that way.
If you would like to be able to fly without fears, travel to exotic places, on business trips or to visit family, then you have found the right program.
With hypnosis we are able to help change those feelings. We can help reprogram how you feel on a plane. With the power of God and the tool of hypnosis we help you to overcome the fears you have and help make flying a calm experience.
This program focuses on the mental and spiritual aspect. With the strength of God and power of hypnosis, you are effectively utilizing some of the best tools available in the world! The spirit effects the mind, the mind effects the body.
Many hypnosis programs focus on the mind. This program focuses on the spirit and mind, which makes the session even more powerful. Because of this, it is much easier to create the change in feeling you desire. Finally you can fly and feel comfortable and content. With these programs we help you to conquer your fear of flying.
No matter how small or great your fear of flying is, these sessions can help you overcome them. With hypnosis we give you the positive experience you need to reverse those feelings of fear. And using these sessions you are doing that with the powerful state of hypnosis and the power of prayer.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. – Phillipians 4:6-7
It’s Simple…
All you have to do is be able to lie or sit down comfortably 25-40 minutes each day.
Christian Hypnosis for Fear of Flying Session 1 – Letting Go of Things You Can Not Control
This is the most important session you will listen to in the program. Fear of flying has a direct correlation with control. Control is an important aspect about feeling comfortable. After you listen to this session you will feel comfortable with things out of your control. This is the absolute most important session of this program. This session helps you in every aspect of your life, not just flying, but other stressful situations as well.
In this session we will focus on:
– helping you to relax while on the plane
– helping you to quickly and easily let it go and not worry about things out of your control
– helping you feel safe with not being in control while flying
Christian Hypnosis for Fear of Flying Session 2 – Comfortable Being on Planes
This session helps you to feel comfortable getting on a plane and helps you to stay calm on a flight.
In this session we will focus on:
– helping you to be comfortable with flying
– helping you have confidence that you can stay calm through your whole trip
– helping you release any worry about what could happen while you are on a plane
– helping you feel content and relaxed on your flights
Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way – 2 Thessalonians 3:16
Christian Hypnosis for Fear of Flying Session 3 – Enjoying the Flight
Where the other sessions will make you feel completely comfortable and confident about the flight. It is always a big help to have something to take with you on the flight to listen to. This session is a short hypnosis session to be used during the flight. No matter how you feel you can listen to this session for comfort. This session will help you to set back in your chair and completely forget about the flight altogether. Turbulence is also directly addressed to help you feel comfortable the whole time no matter what happens.
Listen to a Sample of How the Audio Sounds
Included with every hypnosis program…
1. There is a checklist included with the program to test yourself to verify that you were hypnotized.
2. There are detailed instructions on how to listen to each program right before the audio. This is to eliminate most fears and misconceptions of what “happens” in hypnosis.
3. We throw in a free extra session titled “Holy Spirit Within”. Many purchasers have said this audio is one of their favorites to listen to and get a lot of benefit from it as well.

Total Value: $79.99
Normal Price: $59.00 (26% off)
Limited Time: $47.45 (That’s 40% off!!)
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Here is a testimonial we received through email:
Hi there. This note is a tad bit overdue – we returned from our trip overseas 10 days ago.
I hadn’t flown for 14 -15 years. I’d been a white knuckle flyer for years, and in the many years since I’d actually been on a plane I’d had a couple of kids and watched the tragedy of 9/11…and worked myself into quite the fear of flying frenzy (if I do say so myself!). My husband wanted me to go to Japan with him…not on business…no kids…just us. He wanted to share with me experiences he’d had while travelling without me (on business over the last 8 or 9 years). How could I say no to that?
I started listening to your fear of flying recording. I’ve used hypnosis before quite successfully and knew that I’d be able to move into a trance…your voice, the music, the cadence with which you speak…yup, you made it easy. I’d come out as you were counting up and wonder if I’d fallen asleep or what…but after using it a couple of times, I couldn’t dredge up any fear or anxiety or worry about the flying part of the trip to come. I used it several times a week for the 3 or 4 weeks before we left for Japan.
I was anxious the night before the trip to the extent of not sleeping well at all, but I’m pretty sure the anxiety had to do with leaving the kids behind (Japan is a long way from California, you know, and they were staying with a total of 5 different families while we were gone…), as well as (don’t laugh) being anxious about whether or not I’d be afraid. I listened to the recording in the bus as we went to the airport, and all my anxiety vanished. I climbed on the plane like I’d never before had a second thought about flying…wiggling around in eager anticipation and LOVING it. The first flight (LAX to SFO) was a quick hop…and it was uneventful. The second flight was the longer one (SFO to Tokyo), and they were announcing that we should use the facilities before boarding, since there was a pretty nasty storm blowing out there and we’d be staying in our seats for quite some time after take-off. Not good news to a white knuckle flyer, but I was okay. I felt anxiety briefly, but it wasn’t over the flying…it was over the kids. I was able to speak to my 10 year old to say goodbye, but couldn’t reach to 8 year old…but it was enough. I was okay. Got on the plane, buckled in, and had a fabulous trip. Yes, there was considerable turbulence in terms of duration. But it didn’t bother me.
I am extremely appreciative of the program you put together. Getting past the irrational to go to the Throne of GRACE and ask for help…what a gift. I am grateful. Thank you. The time with my husband was amazing.
I’m now using your weight loss recordings. Again, thank you.
Jan Eisenberg